Anne Diedenhofen. (dee-den-hof-en)

Designer, Illustrator, Photographer


Anne Diedenhofen. (dee-den-hof-en)

Hi, I am a graphic designer that specializes in layout design, illustration, and typography with a hobby for photography. Why I chose a career in design is simple, I want to educate, inspire, and touch people in a creative way.

I immigrated to Canada from Germany in 2008. I gained new skills experiences like being open-minded to new cultures, being independent and knowing a different side of who I am. One of the skills I learned is that I am an honest person, and teamwork has taught me to receive and show respect and courtesy. These are qualities I value a lot. If you do not respect your work colleagues and are courteous of one's beliefs, a team cannot function to its highest potential.

"no one can control you, take the reins of your own destiny, your own life, and thus your own future and no one will ever throw you off." —favourite instructor

Ever since hearing this quote, it has shaped me into the person I am still becoming, and it has started my path in the creative direction. Creating art is a massive part of my life, and I wouldn't be happy if I didn't find a career that allowed me to continue my creative journey. With my creative side comes my love to travel, and the experience I have gathered has given me world knowledge that I apply in my daily life.

I'm looking for a team to continue my development as a designer and as a person.

1 (204) 216-0307

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