Clean Your Actions

The Challenge:
Starting with an issue, we feel strongly about. Even if the problem can't fix it, we can surely create content to improve it. Thus become the creation known as Clean Your Actions. It is a topic that revolves around littering. Demonstrating a dirty environment can cause harm to human health, safety, welfare, and the environment. Using the issues mentioned and turning them into fun deliverables to showcase how easy it is to fix littering. My audience for this is the 25-30 year-olds since they can still learn about the effects littering has on the ground when it isn't disposed of properly. They can also teach the younger generation, their siblings, and kids how to dispose of trash properly.

Research and Analysis:
To start this project, I first researched what littering is about and how it affects our environment in different forms. I pretty soon found that effects & impact in littering are the most crucial subjects to showcase. Through this, I found keywords that describe why a person litters in the first place. Some examples of these are laziness, inconvenience, lack of social pressure & knowledge. The biggest one that stood out amongst them was the absence of ownership or pride for the area where one resides. With this in hand, I started my design. The dream goal would be to introduce more garbage cans into parks that can be set up as architectural structures, giving people more options to throw out their trash when they are on a walk instead of landing in a ditch. Add some bins to lamp posts in a crowded city or beside food stalls that show where the individual garbage pieces should go. There are many possibilities for people to stop the littering bug, but nothing happens because of pure laziness. With this case study, I am trying to increase the number of people who care and clean up and reduce lazy people and don't take responsibility.

Design Process:
The priority was to create a success statement. I soon found out that one phrase wasn't going to be enough. So it turned into this.

"It is a look at what is still happening right now, even when subconsciously we don't notice, as we destroy the planet. To teach and educate on the ways of how to dispose of litter correctly. Thus, stop the subconscious littering, so we aren't doing thoughtless actions and caring about our area."

Then came the fun part, which is creating the design elements for the actual project. Keeping in mind to come up with solutions and showing how bad the litter on land is, I started the creation. First came the design of illustrative posters, each telling a different story about littering. Next came the typeface and placement of text in contrast to the elements. The typeface couldn't overpower the poster but had to help it along. In the end, I chose Avatarock and a mix of Niconne.


The first task was to create a Logo that goes with the whole theme. Drawing on the factors that people are very lazy and irresponsible when it comes to picking up their garbage, I came up with a naming this project clean your actions. Once that stuck the only thing left to do was create a symbol. Having created seedlings for the urban garden poster, I took those and made them into a heart where one seedling is a little bigger than the other. To add a bit more nature into the whole concept I added some leaves. In terms of colour I stuck to a light green with a darker green as contrast.

Bus Billboards

For the billboards, I made it so that each topic connects to a different audience. These are: Difference between a clean and dirty neighbourhood; families that care what their community looks like and treat is with care and respect; otherwise, it will turn dark. Massive trash accumulation at a music festival caters more to the teens that like to party and hang out with their friends, that they should pick up their tents and food waste after the celebration has ended. Lastly, a mom and her kid walking through a forest filled with trash; for the naturists that enjoy the outdoors but hate to see it littered with thrash, making it unhealthy.

Community Posters

Three community action posters to show a small town, cities, or suburban neighbourhoods with a few steps to make their living even better. A city clean-up poster of a park aims to get the people involved in a fun community clean-up connecting and cleaning the garden where their kids play. For artists, a mural creation poster to bring life to empty walls, otherwise covered in unsightly graffiti. It gets local schools and artists involved by turning marked, unattractive walls more welcoming by adding some artistic flair. Lastly, creating a community garden out of an empty field. People who live in apartments or ones that don't have a yard can plant vegetables, fruits, or flowers. A bonus is saving money and reducing food waste, knowing that they are eating healthy homegrown food.

Informative Brochure

For informative display, creating a brochure explains the effects that littering has touching on the topics; Why, How you can prevent it, Fun Facts, and Effects & Impact. All the information previously gathered is being displayed in a condensed way and in a way that explains the sole purpose of what littering is. Little Illustrative elements taken from the posters and billboards were placed to help the Brochure within the message given and divide up the chunk of information.


This website is a fun based site. It features a community/private chat, illustrations of litter, creation of event, and news that surround littering. One can also earn point by creating events or sharing over littered places that one sees. The three main points of problems that are featured are the City, Ocean, and Nature Litter that still happens around the world. Using Avatarock and Spectral as the main fonts, and a simple four use colour pallet with a gradient background, it is set in a very friendly tone.