Less Bulk More Convenience

The Challenge:
Take an overly packaged product and redesign it to make it more eco-friendly. I chose to redesign the Venus Razor Package, wanting to design the package to use less shelf space by making it slimmer and reusable for home or travel. Something that doesn’t get throw out after one use.

The Approach:
I chose a wax-coated cardboard to make the wrap water repellent. The closing mechanism relies on a magnetic clasp, also adding small holes in the bottom for water to drip out. The box is small enough for traveling and includes compartments for the razor and any extra blades.

What I Did:
I used Illustrator to create the outline, then built multiple prototypes to pinpoint changes and adapt the packages to fit. Then added colour and graphics to represent the Venus brand in Photoshop.

Choosing such a bulky project, I knew that there was a lot one could cut, and reduce. To start with I though about what this product could be, either one could just make it smaller and more recyclable. Then came the idea of having it as a reusable carry container for your razor when one travels or spend longer time somewhere else. So the design soon became the development for a travel box.

Taking the thought into illustrator I began to create an outline of the project and after making a lot of print versions to make sure everything fit, it was time for the final print and assembly. It was now definitely more convenient, eco friendly and could fit the same amount of products like the original